Beyond Time MTL

Chapter 1047: It’s Nice to Take Advantage of the Tiger Skin

Chapter 1047: It’s Nice to Take Advantage of the Tiger Skin

Xu Qing was oblivious to Erniu's bitterness!

At this moment, after half a month of experience, he had perfectly executed the decree given by the Empress!

He had challenged all of the Western Demonic Feather's Soul Accumulations cultivators!

However, his challenge wasn't a battle of magical powers, but a defensive one!

Half a month later, the news that Xue Chenzi had mastered the Dark Flame Emperor's Nether Lotus spread like wildfire!

As a result, Xue Chenzi's name was well-known throughout the Demon Feather Holy Land. As for the origin of the Dark Flame Emperor's secret technique, there were some who doubted it. However, considering that he was Lu Lingzi's follower and the only cultivator who had brought the Western Demon Feather to the Demon Feather …

It was obvious that Lu Lingzi was the one who had spread the secret technique!

Xu Qing's challenge was still ongoing!

After passing through the ninth and eighth mountains, he was now at the foot of the seventh!

A large number of cultivators had gathered around the mountain. Most of them were native cultivators of the Western Demon Feather Holy Land, but some had come from the Eastern Demon Feather Holy Land!

Therefore, as soon as Xu Qing appeared, an uproar broke out!

Some were angry, some were cheering, and the outside of the seventh mountain was in an uproar!

However, compared to the liveliness outside, the inside of the seventh mountain was completely silent!

Thus, under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Xu Qing arrived at the foot of the seventh mountain!

Just like before, he sat cross-legged with his eyes closed on the steps of the mountain, waiting for someone to break through his defenses!

However, this time was destined to be different!

Under Xu Qing's challenge, and under the influence of public opinion, some of the Soul Accumulations cultivators chose to break the rules, either out of their own will or because they had been hinted to do so!

They wanted to end the farce that had caused the Western Demon Feather Holy Land to lose face!

Just like now!

As soon as Xu Qing sat down, a cold snort echoed out from the seventh mountain!

"Don't be so arrogant, Xue Chenzi."

As the voice echoed out, a figure shot down from the mountain toward Xu Qing!

The newcomer appeared to be a young man. Seven great worlds shone brightly on his body, forming a majestic aura that could topple mountains and overturn seas. He arrived above Xu Qing with unstoppable force!

He didn't pause for even a moment. Eyes flashing coldly, he raised his right hand and shoved it toward Xu Qing!

A gigantic palm print rapidly formed in front of him, enveloping the sky as it fell toward Xu Qing!

Although the attacks of other Soul Accumulations cultivators were similar in size, this one was very different from the Soul Accumulations cultivators Xu Qing had faced before!

This palm was even clearer, and the veined patterns on it were not blurry at all. Most importantly, the natural laws and magical laws that formed this palm were far more terrifying than anything Xu Qing had encountered before!

What was even more shocking was what was inside!

There were authority power fluctuations.

This fluctuation was strange. Although the source was the young man with seven realms, if one looked carefully, they would discover that the real source was the young man's raised palm!

He was wearing a glove that was as thin as a cicada's wing!

That was … a Sovereign's treasure.

It could erupt with the power of a Sovereign!

The price of using the Mastery of Soul Accumulations was definitely not small. But now, the young man with seven realms of Soul Accumulations had a resolute look in his eyes, as if he was going to go all out and activate the power of the glove!

This caused the illusory palm print to emit a terrifying aura that shattered the void and enveloped Xu Qing!

Xu Qing's closed eyes slowly opened as he raised his head to look at the palm print that was growing larger and larger!

The Emperor Sword in his body was trembling. As long as he willed it, it would rush out … and slash at the palm print!

But Xu Qing did not move. Whether it was his expression or his heart, he was not surprised by such a situation!

The fact that the other party broke the natural laws was within his expectations!

He did not need to make a move!

He would deal with those below the Sovereign level. But if a Sovereign level power appeared, Xu Qing believed that … this was most likely what the Empress wanted!

His challenge was just a prelude!

The Empress came to Western Dark Feather to meet Emperor Dark Feather, and the Emperor chose to let her wait. There was naturally a deeper meaning behind it!

This wait could be a day, a month, or even an indefinite period!

Therefore, in the face of the other Sovereigns' provocation, the Empress did not choose to make a move, but let Xu Qing challenge them!

Because … the Empress did not like to be passive. She wanted to take the initiative!

How to attack, when to attack, what method to use, what reason to attack, all of these had to be in her rhythm!

And all of this was to let Emperor Dark Feather issue a decree to meet her!

Xu Qing had analyzed the clues very thoroughly. He also believed that those people in Western Dark Feather were not stupid and had also analyzed this matter thoroughly!

Therefore, when a cultivator with a Sovereign's treasure appeared, it was not easy to judge whether the other party was good or evil!

There was a certain possibility that there was a Sovereign doing this deliberately!

For some unknown reason, to help the Empress, to give her a reason and a way to take the initiative!

Therefore, in the next instant, when the palm print formed by the Sovereign's Glove was a hundred feet away from Xu Qing, the palm print suddenly trembled and stopped in mid-air, motionless!

Under the palm print, Lu Lingzi's figure appeared silently as Xu Qing had expected. He raised his hand and waved gently. Immediately, the majestic giant palm print dissipated!

The surroundings fell silent!

Xu Qing rose to his feet and bowed to Lu Lingzi!

The young man with seven realms seemed to be relieved and immediately lowered his head in greeting!

Lu Lingzi's gaze fell on the Sovereign Mountain. She did not speak, but a wave of pressure rose from her body!

The sky changed colors, and then a majestic figure appeared on the Sovereign Mountain. It was an old woman who looked at Lu Lingzi with a cold expression!

The earth rumbled!

The auras, gazes, and pressure of the two sovereigns collided!

The collision tore the void apart, causing spatial rifts to appear in all directions. A storm appeared out of nowhere, circling the area and forming a vast vortex!

Countless rocks flew into the air, and even the Sovereign Mountain shook slightly!

At the same time, the confrontation immediately attracted the attention of the other sovereigns of the Western Demon Feather. Divine wills whistled through the air, causing the space-time here to become chaotic!

The threads formed by the Laws and Principles were constantly appearing and shattering!

The pressure enveloped the hearts of all the cultivators, causing them to tremble. The Empress, who had turned into Lu Lingzi, spoke!

"Xue Chenzi, take out the token I gave you!"

Hearing this, Xu Qing immediately took out the token and raised it up high!

As the Empress waved her hand, the token emitted the aura of a sovereign. Everyone could sense that the jade slip contained the power of a sovereign!

"Have you ever used this token in a spar with someone from the Western Demon Feather Clan?"

When Xu Qing heard this, he replied in a deep voice.


The Empress continued!

"Have you ever killed someone from the Western Demon Feather Clan in a spar?"

Xu Qing shook his head!

"I only chose victory and defeat, and never endangered his life!"

The Empress's gaze fell on the seventh Sovereign Mountain!

"The spar between the Eastern and Western Demon Feather Clan is a spar between people of the same clan.

"Xue Chenzi has a sovereign treasure, but he has never used it!

A spar is only about victory and defeat, not about life and death. Besides the first battle, he has never taken the initiative to attack!

"As for the Western Demon Feather Clan, he secretly used a sovereign treasure. If I hadn't appeared, Xue Chenzi would have died!

"What is the meaning of this? What is the meaning of this?"

The Empress's cold voice echoed in all directions!

Ripples spread out in the air, and the Imperial Lords focused their divine will. Even as Lu Lingzi's words grew more and more intense, a calm voice could be heard.

"Lu Lingzi, come to the Dao Platform!"

As soon as the voice appeared, the distorted space-time was instantly corrected. The crumbling natural laws were restored to normal, and the frozen will from moments ago was instantly dispelled!

All of the Sovereigns immediately materialized in the sky and bowed in the direction of the winged Dao Platform!

Because the one who said this was Great Emperor Demon Feather of this generation!

The Empress raised her head, and with a calm expression, she stepped into the void!

She had achieved her goal!

As for the Imperial Lords who had sent their divine will into the mountain, they exchanged glances. Each of them had their own thoughts, and then dispersed!

It didn't take long for the old woman from the Seventh Mountain Lord's Mountain Lord to fade away. Only the young man who had just attacked Xu Qing clasped hands and bowed to him, then turned and left.

Xu Qing was at the foot of the mountain. When he saw this scene, he knew that his mission had been completed. There was no need for him to continue the challenge!

"what …."

An idea popped up in Xu Qing's mind!

"Since the Western Demon Feather Clan is here, and the Empress is here to cover for him, and he has caused some waves through the sparring, then … there is a place that I can explore!"

Xu Qing remembered the information that his Eldest Senior Brother had told him. The two Immortal Arts Halls of the Demon Feather Sacred Ground each had an Immortal Art!

"Five Dogs and Six Thieves."

Xu Qing murmured in his heart. He had mastered the Six Thieves of Life from the Eastern Demon Feather Clan. If it was any other time, Xu Qing knew that it would be very difficult for him to observe the Five Dogs of the Western Demon Feather Clan!

But now … with the Empress's name and the momentum that I have gathered in the past half a month, I might be able to take a look.

Xu Qing pondered for a while. After making sure that his idea was correct, he flew up into the sky and flew away under the gazes and discussions of the surrounding cultivators!

He was heading toward the Western Demon Feather Clan's Immortal Arts Hall.

The Western Demon Feather Clan's Immortal Arts Hall was not far from the Demonic Feather Clan's Immortal Arts Hall. It was built on a lake called the Immortal Arts Hall!

The lake water was dark, and the Immortal Arts Hall was built with white stones. It was exquisite and luxurious, and at the same time, it was flowing with light!

Contrasting with the lake water, it gave people a strange sense of tranquility!

There were hundreds of cultivators sitting cross-legged on the lake. There were men and women, old and young. They were all wearing white and were cultivating with their eyes closed!

The fluctuations of Immortal Arts were particularly obvious!

When Xu Qing arrived, he saw this scene and immediately recognized that these people were the Immortal Masters of the Western Demonic Feather Clan.

His arrival didn't attract the attention of the cultivators here. Xu Zhen only glanced at them and then focused on the white Immortal Arts Hall. He clasped his hands and bowed.

He said in a low voice, "I'm Xue Chenzi, under the order of the Sovereign, and I'm here to take a look at the Five Dogs of the Western Demonic Feather Clan."