Beyond Time MTL

Chapter 1083: A thought of letting go is rebirth.

Chapter 1083: A thought of letting go is rebirth.

There were many things in life that were difficult to let go.

Because one couldn't let go, one had an obsession.

Especially life and death.

One's own and others'.

And when it came to obsession, life and death, it was difficult to let go. There was always hope in one's heart.

But … for many things, it didn't mean that there would be no despair.

Regret, in many cases, was the main theme of this world.

Because the world was cold, because heaven and earth were indifferent.

Just like the statue of Swordsage Great Emperor, the moment its flame of life was about to be ignited, it collapsed.

The lamp oil had run out.

It couldn't really burn.

Even if it sacrificed the Demon Feather Holy Land.

Even if it revived the Dao Fruit of Birth.

It was still the same.

Only the voice of the empress, which was filled with stubbornness, reverberated between heaven and earth. It was like the echo of a thousand mountains, filled with a strong sense of unwillingness.

She was a god, but gods … were obviously not omnipotent.

She even bit the tip of her tongue and spat out her own divine blood.

She used her divine blood to create vitality.

She made a seal and burned it, fusing it into the statue of the Great Emperor to help.

Even Xu Qing didn't hesitate to do so. He spread out his vitality with all his strength, gathered his blood, and used his own strength, his own Dao, and everything he had to help the Great Emperor.

Even Erniu sighed softly and sent out his own strength.

But the outcome … didn't change much.

It was as if there was a ravine, dividing Yin and Yang.

The aura of the collapsing statue of the Great Emperor continued.

At this moment, this resurrection ritual was inevitably heading toward failure.

So bitterness became everything in this world.

"How could this be …"

The Empress suddenly looked up. She still hadn't given up in her heart. Even if all the outcomes pointed to failure, she still fully unleashed the power of the Divine Platform at this moment.

She tried to stimulate more power in her body, to reverse everything.

And the moment she was about to overdraw everything, an ancient sigh echoed softly in this Dao Fruit World.

"Silly child."

This familiar voice made Xu Qing's body tremble, and his mind was in turmoil. Countless memories in his memory appeared before his eyes.

The Empress's breathing suddenly quickened. This voice was the source of her humanity.

So the two of them looked at the statue of the Great Emperor at the same time.

This was a statue that had the memories of the Great Emperor, the Mountains and Rivers, and the Great Emperor as the seven spirits. At this moment, the collapsing aura of life suddenly.

Then, his aura rose again.

This time, there was no hindrance at all. He reached the peak directly. The aura of the Sword Wielder, the aura of a peak Martial Monarch, exploded across the entire world.

Heaven and earth changed color, and the wind and clouds surged.

The world trembled, and the Holy Land rumbled. The Wanggu Continent also echoed.

The body of the statue was also rapidly fading away at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the end, it was reduced to flesh and blood, becoming a figure that had not been seen in a long time.

He opened his eyes.

Great Emperor Sword-Bearing.

He stood on the transparent sea. Although his figure was old and the aura of death lingered around him, his spine was straight and his body was tall and straight.

His gaze was gentle as he gazed at everything in front of him. His gaze penetrated this world, passed over the Demon Feather Holy Land, and looked at … the Human Race.

He looked at the current territory of the Human Race, at the figures of the Human Race, at the mountains and rivers, at the fortunes of the Human Race, at everything.

Everything that had happened in the Wanggu Continent after he died entered his mind from the Heavenly Dao and all living beings.

He knew that after he died, the Holy Land descended.

He knew that after he died, a war broke out.

He knew everything.

A fierce will rose from his body as he sensed it and understood it, and it resounded through the world.

However … Not far away, Xu Qing and the Empress looked at the figure of the Great Emperor and couldn't help but feel a strong sense of sadness.

Because … the Great Emperor's body was filled with an extreme aura of death.

Tears flowed from the corners of the Empress' eyes.

She knew that she … had failed in the end.

The Great Emperor didn't revive completely. The power of the Dao Fruit and the three souls and seven spirits of the Human Race only allowed him to return for a short period of time.

Xu Qing's heart felt like it was being grasped. An indescribable emotion made his heart feel bitter and empty.

"You two …"

On the transparent sea, the Great Emperor gently shook his head. He withdrew his gaze from the world and looked at the Empress and Xu Qing with a gentle expression.

"Xia 'er."

As these two words came out, the Empress trembled and raised her head.

At this moment, she was not a god or the Empress, but the fragile woman who was saved back then.

Her tears were still flowing as she looked at the figure of the old man who was like a father. Her eyes were blurry.

"What you've done is already very good, and it's enough."

The Great Emperor said in a hoarse voice. He took a step forward and stood in front of the Empress. He raised his hand and touched the Empress' head. His eyes were filled with love as if he was looking at his own daughter.

"It's just … although you know everything, you don't know me."

The Great Emperor said softly.

"The history of the Human Race only recorded that after my original body died, I used an avatar to protect the race. There was no record of the reason. I erased that part."

"The truth is that back then, I fought with the gods of the Wanggu Central Clan and resolved the danger of the Human Race being enslaved. However, the price was great. Not only did my main body perish, but even my clone … actually perished in that battle.

"It was an old friend. After I perished, he used a Myriad Wonders Dao Fruit to resurrect me on the battlefield.

"That resurrection failed, but it also succeeded."

"It failed because the fruit only gave a chance of resurrection, not a guarantee. Therefore, my main body didn't successfully return.

"It succeeded because in the end, my clone that perished along with my main body took this opportunity to resurrect.

"In the end, I've already used the Dao Fruit of All Wonders once in the past."

"I couldn't use it a second time.

"Therefore, the failure of today's resurrection has nothing to do with you, Xia 'er."

The Great Emperor spoke softly and slowly to calm Li Xia's emotions. He didn't want the child he saved to feel regret for the rest of her life because of the failure of his resurrection.

Therefore, he wanted to tell her the reason. He wanted her to know that it wasn't her fault and that she had done enough.

The Empress bit her lower lip and silently listened to all of this.

The Great Emperor sighed softly and patted the Empress's head again. Then, he looked at the bitter Xu Qing.

"Xu Qing, you didn't disappoint me."

Xu Qing lowered his head. The sadness in his heart grew stronger as he bowed deeply.

The Great Emperor smiled.

He looked at the Empress and Xu Qing in front of him. They were the successors he had chosen. One had inherited his cultivation, and the other had inherited his Emperor Sword.

He was very satisfied with the two of them, and he had no regrets.

It was just that … he still missed the Human Race.

He missed the race that he had protected all his life.

"I already know what happened.

"Although this Dao Fruit can't bring me back to life, it still gave me a temporary return."

"It allowed my body to no longer be shackled by the Star Ring and return to the peak of my life.

"That's very good."

The Great Emperor smiled.

He hadn't felt so relaxed in a long time. Thinking back, it seemed that he had only felt this way when his main body was still around.

In his later years, he had been injured and slept for most of his time.

Even if he had awakened, even if he had attacked, he still had to endure the exhaustion of his soul.

Moreover, he couldn't slash to his heart's content.

He had to be careful, restraining himself so that he could always preserve his final sword strike.

This was even more tiring for him.

Even though he wanted to fight to his heart's content in the final battle, he didn't have the ability to do so. Thus, he still felt regret in his heart.

The responsibility to protect and protect was like a mountain that pressed down on him for a lifetime.

If possible, he wanted to truly enjoy himself to his heart's content, just like when he was young.

"Then, in these final moments …"

The Great Emperor smiled as he raised his right hand and pointed at the Ancient Sovereign Planet.

As he waved his finger, the Ancient Imperial Planet began to rumble. It trembled, then began to rotate, causing the sealed bone cauldron to be revealed.

The lid of the bone cauldron was also opened.

A distorted figure flew out. It was Dark Flame.

As soon as he appeared, a vicious expression appeared on his face, and he opened his mouth to speak. However, a moment later, his expression flickered, and he looked over at Swordsage Great Emperor, his pupils constricting, and his hair standing on end.

Even with his current combat strength, he still felt an extreme sense of danger when he sensed Swordsage Great Emperor's power.

"It's clearly not the Summer Immortal, but why does it give me such a strong and terrifying feeling?"

Dark Flame's scalp went numb, and he quickly retreated, wanting to escape.

But it was too late.

The Great Emperor's calm gaze landed on him.

A beam of Absolute Death Sword Qi exploded from Dark Flame's body with a whistling sound that reverberated throughout the world.

Dark Flame was shocked, and he couldn't suppress it. In the next instant, the Sword Qi soared into the sky and shattered the clouds.

It was … the Emperor's Sword!

The sword shone brightly, emitting a power that caused Dark Flame to lose his consciousness.

It didn't slice through him, but instead hung above Dark Flame's head and touched his body.

Dark Flame's body trembled as a terrifying power surged out of the sword like a tidal wave. It rushed into his body and slammed into his soul.

"This power is comparable to the Summer Immortal's!"

That was Dark Flame's last thought. Then, his soul collapsed, and he was forced out of his body.

Before it could reform, the Great Emperor reached out and grabbed Dark Flame's soul. Dark Flame's perception turned black and was caught by the Great Emperor's hand.

The Great Emperor waved his hand and returned the soul to the Great Empress.

"This soul is good. It has absorbed a lot of karma from Xu Qing's body. You can use it as a sacrifice in the future."

The Great Emperor smiled and returned Xu Qing's body to him.

"Xu Qing, your body now has the Immortal Kernel, and this body has the Divine Treasure. From now on, you will walk the path of Immortal God together. I haven't walked this path, but it seems to be endless.

"So it's good. The two of you walk different paths. One is the Immortal Realm, while the other is the Divine Realm. As long as you successfully comprehend the Godly Right, you will be able to ignite the Divine Fire and become a deity. There's a high chance that you will be a powerful deity."

Seeing that the Divine Body had returned, Xu Qing put it away. He looked at the Great Emperor and felt even more sorrowful.

He owed the Great Emperor too much.

"Don't look like that, you two. I'm very happy. Next, Xia 'er, Xu Qing, are you two willing to accompany me and walk the world with your swords?"

The Great Emperor smiled.

The Great Empress took a deep breath and nodded.

Xu Qing's eyes were firm as he bowed.

"We are willing to travel with Senior!"

The Great Emperor laughed and waved his hand. The sky opened and the Demon Feather Holy Land rumbled.

Then, he took Xu Qing and the Great Empress, his two successors, and left the Demon Feather Holy Land. They cut across the sky and walked toward the three Holy Lands above the Flaming Moon Mysterious Sky Race at an astonishing speed.

"I have a sword that can cut the sky and split the earth!"

The Great Emperor's words resounded across the Wanggu Continent.

At this moment, some ancient deities on the Wanggu Continent slowly opened their eyes from their sleep and looked at the familiar figure in the sky.

Including the Jade Glazed Dust.

They seemed to see the figure of the young man who walked the world with his sword tens of thousands of years ago

"Swordsage Great Emperor..."

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