Beyond Time MTL

Chapter 1084: No Resentment, No Guilt, No Regrets

Chapter 1084: No Resentment, No Guilt, No Regrets

For too many people, the length of life was difficult to predict.

Especially in this cruel world, perhaps an accident or a massacre would end one's life.

Even someone as powerful as a god had the possibility of dying. Even Swordsage Great Emperor would eventually come to an end.

But ā€¦ to judge whether a life was brilliant or not, the length was never the most important criterion.

Just like Heaven and Earth was a guest house for all living beings, time was a passer-by from ancient times to the present.

The most important thing was the width of life.

It was how to walk the path that belonged to one's own life.

This was the only freedom that could be grasped for all living beings.

For example, Swordsage Great Emperor had protected the Human Race for thousands of years. Even if the ending could not be changed, the width of his life had spread to the memory of every Human Race.

This was the vastness.

This was the greatness.

And today, in the final radiance of the fire of life, he had finally let go of everything. As though he had been reborn, he felt the long-lost ease and freedom.

The sparks of life collided in his life, becoming more and more brilliant.

Scenes of his high-spirited self from several years ago seemed to appear in front of his eyes.

"Xia 'er, Xu Qing, this old man, I don't ask for your future life ā€¦

"But as a person who has experienced it, I'll share a realization with you."

Outside the Dark Feather Sacred Land, Swordsage Great Emperor walked in front of the Wanggu and said emotionally to the Empress and Xu Qing behind him.

"No resentment, no regrets, no regrets."

Swordsage Great Emperor said softly.

"All the experiences in this life are because I have done my best. Then no matter what the result is, I can say that I have no regrets.

"All the experiences in this life are because I have not let my heart down. Then no matter what path I take, I can say that I have no regrets.

"If I can achieve these two points, then the people I meet and the choices I make can be said to have no regrets.

"If I can achieve these six words, my life will not be in vain."

Swordsage Great Emperor's voice reverberated throughout Heaven and Earth.

His words fell into the hearts of the Empress and Xu Qing, turning into waves that did not dissipate for a long time.

The Great Emperor had indeed achieved the six words he said.

He had done his best to protect the human race for tens of thousands of years, so he had no regrets about the future.

No matter what he encountered in his life, he never let himself down. The light in his heart had never been tainted, and when it shone on his path forward, it became a brilliant light. He did not let anyone down.

As for his choice in life, he had also informed the empress and Xu Qing through his own words and actions.

He had no regrets.

At this moment, his laughter echoed throughout the world.

It also spread to the three holy lands above the Flaming Moon Mysterious Sky Clan where the three gods of the clan were fighting.

There were a total of sixteen Profound Rank Holy Lands that had descended upon the Wanggu Continent. There were four Profound Rank Holy Lands in each direction.

In the eastern part of the Wanggu Continent, one of the four Mystic Grade Holy Lands belonged to the Human Clan while the other three belonged to the Flaming Moon Mysterious Sky Clan.

At this moment, the three Holy Lands were all shocked.

The Three Gods of the Flaming Moon were visibly moved. Without any hesitation, they immediately retreated with their people and opened up a path to the Three Sacred Grounds.

The hearts of the Great Emperors of the three Holy Lands rumbled. Their expressions were unprecedentedly serious as they instinctively looked over ā€¦

He saw the Empress, Xu Qing, and the figure in front of them, who was dressed in a loose robe and wielded a longsword. Although he was old, he was incomparably tall and straight.

In their eyes, the aura of death around the old man was extremely dense, but the light from his soul could not be drowned out by the aura of death. It shone from his body and rose above the Wanggu Continent, illuminating the sky.

"Summer Immortal!!"

The Great Emperors of the three Holy Lands all exclaimed in their hearts. Their faces instantly turned pale.

They weren't the only ones who were shocked. Even the Holy Lands themselves were trembling. Countless cultivators of the Holy Lands felt as if their minds were about to explode. Swordsage Great Emperor raised the sword in his hand and casually swung it forward.

When he was young, Swordsage Great Emperor's dream was to be happy in the world and kill evil.

After he became a Great Emperor, he traveled the world with his sword. He killed gods and wiped out evil. One man and one sword, he branded the world.

In his later years, every time he recalled his life, he would remember that period of time the most.

At this moment, his casual swing seemed to overlap with his past. It was as if the images in his memories had merged with the real world.

Thus, he swung his sword casually, carefreely, and freely.

In this swing, the sword light replaced the light in the sky. The sword energy became the void of this world, and the sword intent became the will of heaven.

With an extremely overbearing aura, it could break the sky, the earth, and all the enemies!

It landed on the Holy Land closest to him.

The appearance of this holy land was like that of a star.

At this moment, earth-shattering rumbles echoed as if an irresistible storm had swept over it. Under the gazes of the three Gods, the Mysterious Sky Clan of the Flaming Moon, Xu Qing, and the empress ā€¦

A loud rumble echoed from the star-like holy land at the front. A huge gully appeared on the surface of the star-like holy land. The gully continued to sink, and in a few breaths of time, the entire star-like holy land was penetrated by the gully.

It collapsed and split into two halves from the middle!

The lives inside were destroyed by the sword light. Everything inside was destroyed by the sword energy!

A Holy Land fell with a loud rumble!

Countless lives were swept up by the sword intent from the fallen Holy Land and poured into Swordsage Great Emperor's body ā€¦ They weren't used to suppress the Death Qi. Instead, they became nutrients to boost his fighting power.

Without the shackles of the Star Ring, Swordsage Great Emperor not only recovered his fighting power to the peak, but he also had the ability to erupt to a higher level.

Even if this eruption was short-lived.

But ā€¦ if one heard the Dao in the morning, one could die in the evening without regrets!

Gasps could be heard everywhere. The faces of the three Great Emperors were extremely pale. They didn't hesitate and retreated. They gave up everything and wanted to escape.

Although they were Great Emperors, they couldn't resist the might of Summer Immortal.

Swordsage Great Emperor didn't even look at the three of them. He just spoke indifferently.

"Xia 'er, Xu Qing, you are the successors of Swordsage Great Emperor. However, I only gave you cultivation and the Emperor Sword. I didn't have time to teach you the supernatural sword techniques."

"Today, I will teach you."

"My Dao in this life is the sword."

"In this life, I have created different sword techniques at different times. There are a total of five styles."

"The first style is called ā€¦ Ksitigarbha."

As Swordsage Great Emperor spoke, he raised his right hand and pressed it against the remaining two Holy Lands.

Instantly, the two Holy Lands rumbled and shook violently.

The color of the sky changed and the earth seemed to be affected. Muffled rumbles could be heard.

The sound of the explosion shook one's mind.

Swordsage Great Emperor's voice reverberated in the rumbling of the earth.

"The so-called Ksitigarbha is a sword technique that I created to kill a fiend who was good at the Earth Dao. This sword mainly stimulates the Earth Qi and replaces the Earth Will with Sword Intent to turn the Earth Will into Sword Qi."

"After gathering, it condenses into the Earth Sword!"

As he explained in detail, Xu Qing and the Water Empress saw that the two Holy Lands continued to tremble and there were plumes of smoke rising. This smoke was the Earth Qi that Swordsage Great Emperor had mentioned.

More and more Earth Qi appeared. In an instant, the earth of the two Holy Lands cracked as though all the nutrients had been sucked out. They turned into plumes of smoke that surged in the sky and gathered rapidly ā€¦

It became a huge sword!

The moment the sword appeared, not only the Holy Lands shook, but the earth of the Flaming Moon Mysterious Sky Clan also surged like the sea.

It was as though it was being pulled.

Then ā€¦ the huge sword formed by the Earth Qi suddenly fell down!

It destroyed everything in its path!

The two Holy Lands collapsed in front of everyone's eyes. The ground turned into ashes. Even the living beings in the Holy Lands couldn't escape and couldn't be stopped.

In an instant, their bodies and souls were destroyed.

Even the Holy Lands themselves were destroyed by the sword and turned into nothingness.

Countless lives were sucked into Swordsage Great Emperor's body and his aura skyrocketed again.

He raised his hand and pointed. Instantly, the Sword of Ksitigarbha dispersed and turned into countless sharp Sword Qi. It swept up the aura of the earth and went straight to the three Great Emperors who were escaping.

No matter how hard the three Great Emperors struggled, it was useless.

The absolute difference in strength made death inevitable.

The Sword Qi passed through the three Great Emperors and they collapsed!

Everything they had became nutrients for Swordsage Great Emperor. After it merged into his body, his combat strength exploded.

The wind and clouds surged as though it was the peak.

The Flaming Moon was silent and the three Gods lowered their heads.

The figure of Great Emperor Holding Sword also evoked their memories.

When the broken face arrived and Xuan You left, it was the bloodiest, cruelest, and darkest time in the entire Wanggu Continent.

Deities were everywhere, and enslavement and slaughter were the norm.

Any race would either bow their heads or be exterminated.

Swordsage Great Emperor of the Human Race was the only Great Emperor at that time, and the Human Race was still the number one race.

Therefore, it attracted a lot of deities.

Therefore, during that period of time, the scenes of Swordsage Great Emperor fighting against all the Gods who wanted to enslave the human race were the focus of attention of all races.

That was until the battle with the central Wanggu Central Sect.

His main body had perished, and only his avatar remained.

However, after the repeated battles, the idea of enslaving the human race in the central region was finally dispelled. Many deities had no choice but to put away their greed.

It was as if as long as the Great Emperor existed, this thought would never appear again.

This was what allowed the human race to survive the initial darkness.

The Three Gods took control of the Flaming Moon Mysterious Sky Clan after this matter.

At that time, Swordsage Great Emperor's true body had already fallen. Only his avatar was left to guard the imperial capital of the human race. With the power of his sword, he threatened the gods.

Therefore, the scenes of the later generations were born.

Now, looking at Swordsage Great Emperor's figure, the Three Gods couldn't help but have complicated thoughts.

Similar thoughts didn't just appear in the Three Gods' minds. At this moment, Swordsage Great Emperor's attack attracted the attention of all the deities of the Wanggu Continent, just like the darkest time back then.

Especially in the central region of the Wanggu Continent, which was the only place where the Holy Land hadn't descended. At this moment, a gaze was looking toward the east.

At the same time, on the outer sea, Jade Glazed Chen sat on a lone boat and looked into the distance. His expression was full of emotion.

"Others don't know, but according to my story, this guy chose to stay in the Wanggu Continent back then because he had a dream of showing off since he was young.

"So, he's a f * cking pretentious criminal!

"He was like this back then. Now that he's about to die, he obviously feels that he hasn't pretended enough in this life, so he wants to put on a big show!"

Jade Glazed Chen was envious and angry. Then ā€¦ he sighed softly.

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