Beyond Time MTL

Chapter 1088: Xu Qing's Destination

Chapter 1088: Xu Qing's Destination

Swordsage Great Emperor's death, Master's seclusion, the Empress cultivation, and Er Niu's departure. All of this looks like the slowly rotating hand of a huge sundial.

Thirty years later, the world would change.

The ancient immortal outside the Wanggu Continent had become a sharp blade that hung over the heads of all living beings, turning into a life and death crisis.

And one could imagine that as time passed, this sense of crisis would become stronger and stronger.

After all, thirty years was not particularly long for mortals, and it was even more so for cultivators.

Thirty years might have passed in a single seclusion.

Therefore, the great crisis had become a heavy pressure that weighed down on the world.

Every race was making their final preparations.

However, the only path in front of them seemed to be to pray for the protection of the gods.

Therefore, some places became more peaceful than before, while some places became more chaotic than before.

The chaos of all living beings was constantly playing out.

And the gods were indifferent, watching all of this from high above.

To them, this would be a somewhat interesting drama in their long lives.

As for the misery of all living beings …

Living in this broken Wanggu Continent was already miserable, but the misery of the past was more mundane. Now, the misery faced everyone.

"This is also a kind of fairness."

In the desert of the Sacrificial Moon Region, Yu Jing was boiling water in the small medicine shop that Xu Qing once owned.

The crown prince sat there, drinking tea as he spoke softly.

Third Madam sat at the side and shook her head slightly. Her gaze fell on Xu Qing, who was pouring tea for the crown prince.

"Have you thought it through?"

Xu Qing put down the teapot, sat opposite the two, and nodded.

After he left the imperial capital of the human race, the first place he came to was the Sacrificial Moon Territory.

He wanted to see Ling'er before he left, and also see Grandpa Crown Prince and the others.

However, Ling'er's seclusion had not ended, and Grandpa Ninth was guarding her. After Xu Qing checked, he did not disturb her. Instead, he bid farewell to Grandpa Crown Prince here.

"Young man, it's good to go out and gain experience.

However, the outer sea is a bit chaotic. With your current cultivation and combat strength, it's not a big deal if you're careful, but remember … don't go too deep. "

The Crown Prince put down his teacup and his gaze fell on Xu Qing. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly raised his right hand. In the next instant, his Dao marks moved and a mark appeared out of thin air before him.

"This is a manifestation of my cognitive altering authority. It can be used three times. Take it for self-defense."

Xu Qing didn't tell the crown prince his true destination. Looking at the mark, he knew that the crown prince was concerned about it, so he silently took it.

Third Aunt's gaze was profound as she looked at Xu Qing. After a long moment, she sighed and waved her hand, causing a long river to magically appear. It fell into a jade bottle, which she handed to Xu Qing.

"This is a strand of the River of Time that I refined."

Xu Qing took it and bowed deeply to the Crown Prince and Third Young Mistress.

"I'm leaving now. Grandpa Heir, Third Madam, you … take care."

Xu Qing said softly. Then, he turned and walked out, leaving the medicine store and the mountain range, disappearing into the desert.

Third Madam spoke softly as she watched him leave.

"This child's final destination isn't the Outer Sea."

The Crown Prince was silent. After a while, he sighed.

"We all knew about the legend of the Outer Sea, and the place he's going is related to that legend."

"As for 30 years later …"

"Father is already on his way back, and based on the time, he should be back soon."

"I hope that when he comes back, he'll still be our father, so it's good that this child is leaving now."

The Crown Prince muttered.

Third Madam raised her head and looked into the sky, not saying anything.


At this moment, Xu Qing silently walked over the Sacrificial Moon Region.

Before leaving, he had to go to the Sealing-Sea County to see Zixuan.

Afterwards, he would put away all of his restraints and step onto the path he had chosen.

"30 years later …"

Xu Qing muttered as his figure whistled through the sky. In the next instant, the sky rippled and became a massive mirror.

In the mirror, a massive mountain filled with temples appeared.

An old woman walked down from the top of the mountain.

Next to the old woman was a tall old man with a white beard.

Seeing these two people, Xu Qing stopped and respectfully bowed.

"Fifth Madam, Eighth Grandpa."

Fifth Madam looked at Xu Qing with a kind expression. After nodding, she didn't say anything. Instead, she raised her hand and used her power of the Authority to form a petal.

After the petal was formed, Fifth Madam's body clearly showed signs of aging.

"Take it. As long as you still have a breath left, you can use this petal to instantly recover."

Xu Qing knew that this was Fifth Madam's special power of the Authority. Every time she used it, it would consume her vitality.

Hence, he hesitated.

"I'm giving it to you, so take it!"

Eighth Grandpa's eyes widened. He waved his hand and formed a brand with the power of the Authority of Wrath and gave it to Xu Qing.

"This brand can increase your battle prowess, but the price is that you'll be weak for a period of time after the battle."

This was a gift from an elder. Xu Qing's heart was filled with warmth. He silently took it and was about to speak when a sword light came from the ground and instantly approached.

Heaven and earth changed colors, and the wind and clouds surged. The sword light also turned into a brand in front of Xu Qing.

Ninth Grandpa's voice echoed between heaven and earth.

"This is my sword intention. When unleashed at full power, it can slay a Imperial Sovereign"

Xu Qing was moved. After a while, he took the brand and took a deep breath. He bowed deeply in the direction of Fifth Madam, Eighth Grandpa, and the sword intent from the ground.

Finally, under the gaze of these three elders, he left the Sacrificial Moon Region.


A day later.

In the sky above the Sea-Sealing County, a pagoda shining with starlight appeared in the clouds. Xu Qing's figure walked out of it.

The next moment, he appeared in the underground cave below Sealing-Sea County.

In the former ancient imperial palace, Xu Qing stood outside the Phoenix Hall where Zixuan was in seclusion, looking at the palace in front of him.

It was empty all around, and there was no sound or trace of people.

Under Xu Qing's orders, this place had been completely sealed off.

The formation was constantly reinforced, so that Zixuan's seclusion would not be disturbed.

Only the figure of the Vajra Sect's ancestor appeared outside the hall after sensing Xu Qing's appearance, and he greeted Xu Qing excitedly.

"Greetings, Master. I've missed you so much, but don't worry, Master. Little Youzi has been conscientious and has been guarding this place. No accidents have happened during this period.

"Not even a speck of dust dares to fall under my watch!"

The Vajra Sect's ancestor said loudly.

He wanted to show that he was useful. Moreover, although it was boring here, he was extremely satisfied.

Because the outside world was too dangerous, and following Xu Qing was even more dangerous. He had to be careful of being used as cannon fodder at all times …

Especially now that he was sharper than before, this meant that once he went out, he would probably be used at least nine times in ten battles …

This was extremely dangerous for the Vajra Sect's ancestor.

And according to the stories he had read before, as long as the woman guarding the main character did not make any mistakes, it would be a great achievement.

Therefore, at this moment, he did his best to show that he was very useful here.

Xu Qing nodded, and his gaze fell on the Phoenix Hall.

Zixuan's comprehension time this time exceeded Xu Qing's expectations.

After a while, Xu Qing retracted his gaze and looked around, muttering to himself. As the Vajra Sect's ancestor carefully sized him up, he suddenly raised his hand and waved.

Suddenly, the will of the gods exploded in front of him.

It was not affected, and was controlled within a hundred feet, causing that area to be blurry and distorted.

A figure could be vaguely seen forming inside, then sat down cross-legged and sank deeper into the ground.

Seeing all this, the Vajra Sect's ancestor, who did not know much about the outside world, widened his eyes.

He seemed to have seen another Xu Qing just now …

Furthermore, the feeling that Xu Qing gave him was incomparably cold and indifferent. Yet, he gave off an extremely terrifying feeling.

"Master, that's …"

The old ancestor of the Vajra Sect shuddered inwardly.

"That's my divine clone."

Xu Qing said calmly.

As for Ling'er, with Grandpa Heir and the others around, her safety would be guaranteed for the next thirty years. Xu Qing didn't need to worry too much.

However, he was worried about Zixuan.

Therefore, he had chosen to leave his divine clone here. On one hand, he would comprehend the Godly Right, and on the other hand, he would stay here to protect Zixuan.

This time, he hadn't planned on taking his divine clone with him.

Because the place he was going to … might not welcome gods.

However, because the avatar of the god was left in the Wanggu, Xu Qing's Immortal body couldn't use the Divine Authority.

For example, the authority of Sound, the Carving knife formed by the authority of destiny, and the God's Poison could only be used by divine clones.

"However, given my current cultivation base as an Extreme Immortal, my combat prowess has not decreased at all."

As Xu Qing pondered, he sensed his chest.

The purple crystal was there.

After taking back his divine clone, he had transferred the purple crystal and integrated it into his Immortal body.

After doing this, Xu Qing took one last look at the Phoenix Hall, then took a deep breath. Under the respectful farewell of the old ancestor of the Vajra Sect, he stepped out and disappeared into the underground cave.

When he reappeared, he was already outside the Starlight Pagada in the sky. The divine vine swayed, and the golden rat popped its head out. Xu Qing stood there and looked at Sea-Sealing County …

After a few breaths, he stepped into the Starlight Pagada with determination in his eyes.

The Pagada rumbled and disappeared in an instant.

It turned into a long rainbow, streaking across the sky, heading straight for … the Outer Sea!

"Back then, the old man of the Human Clan who appeared in the Outer Sea once said that the Outer Sea is also called the Primeval Sea.

"The Primeval Sea is strange. Wherever it exists, it is a strategic and prosperous place because the Primeval Sea can connect all the star rings in the universe.

"Therefore, the Outer Sea is actually the road to other star rings.

The Primeval Sea in the ninth star ring where the Wanggu is located is extremely special. Now it has been sealed, and only cracks can be used to enter and exit.

"It also said that one needs to have the cultivation of the Summer Immortal to pass through."

Xu Qing sat cross-legged in the Pagada. As the Pagada whistled all the way to the Outer Sea, he raised his hand and took out a white scale.

The scale looked like a command medallion.

When he left the Summer Immortal Palace, he gave up his quota in exchange for a Primeval Sea Pass that the Summer Immortal Palace kept.

With this token, he could pass through other star rings without having to reach the Summer Immortal level.

It was just that the level of danger would be greater.

This token was precious, and the Summer Immortal Palace only had three.

After staring at the token for a moment, Xu Qing raised his head, and the last words of the old man appeared in his mind.

"That place is a world dominated by the Human Clan, and also a world of immortals.

"That place is the fifth star ring, and its name is … Immortal Capital."

Xu Qing took a deep breath, put away the token, closed his eyes, and meditated.

Just like that, time passed.

Four hours later, as the Starlight Pagada whistled above the Forbidden Sea, the border between the Outer Sea and the Inner Sea … was getting closer and closer.

At this moment, a charming laughter suddenly sounded from outside the Starlight Pagoda that was moving at high speed.

"Little guy, primordial yang is back."

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