Beyond Time MTL

Chapter 1107: Sticky Rain Seals the Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1107: Sticky Rain Seals the Heaven and Earth

At the same time, at the place where the fierce battle had taken place.

This place was barren.

The barren mountain had collapsed, and everything was destroyed, leaving behind a strong spell technique fluctuation.

Xu Qing stood in midair, his expression cold as he looked into the distance, his eyes flashing.

"Wind and fire are this person's Authority ā€¦"

"This is the first time I've seen someone with two Authority in the fifth star ring. It can be seen that this person is a prodigy!"

"In particular, this person's methods are hidden, and he's smart. He's a strong opponent!"

Xu Qing thought of the way the other party had hidden before. That kind of existence where one's body was stuck to the wall of the storage space as if they were one, was extremely novel to Xu Qing.

"I wonder how he did this."

"Maybe he used some treasure with the power of space ā€¦"

Xu Qing pondered.

"If it weren't for the Quasi-Immortal Token that can sense each other, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to see through this person's methods."

Xu Qing was vigilant.

He felt that his caution was still a little careless.

"In the future, when you kill them and take their storage items, you must be more careful."

Xu Qing quickly thought in his mind, then put away the incense and treasure tree.

The incense had been extinguished with the death of the other party's clone, but the remaining part could still be used.

As for the treasure tree, it had been damaged by the explosion and was now a little damaged, and Xu Qing didn't have a way to repair it.

"But it can still self-destruct once."

After putting away these two items and the Four Nine Formation Forbidden Beast Skin, Xu Qing was about to leave this place.

He didn't think that the other party would continue to come after escaping.

After all, the other party was a smart person. In the early stage of the second stage of the Quasi-Immortal Token, there was a high chance that he wouldn't risk paying the price to forcibly attack after realizing that the enemy was not weak.

At this time, the best way was to preserve his strength and not let himself be easily injured.

Unless there was no chance for both parties to escape and there was a life-and-death feud between them.

Otherwise, Xu Qing felt that if it were him, he wouldn't continue either.

But the moment Xu Qing was about to leave, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"It's here again?"

Contrary to Xu Qing's expectations, the star mark, which was hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, didn't leave after appearing in his command medallion.

Instead, it was rapidly approaching him.

Xu Qing's brows furrowed slightly. This phenomenon made him feel that something was not quite right.

But soon, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and killing intent rose in his heart.

"Since you're here, then ā€¦ let's just fight."

Xu Qing's body flickered, but he didn't fly in the direction of the other party. Instead, he sped backwards.

The barren land beneath his feet was no longer the best place to fight. Hence, as Xu Qing charged through the sky, he quickly locked onto a peak filled with greenery.

This peak pierced straight into the clouds. It was surrounded by clouds and mist, and the mountain was rich in vegetation.

Standing on the mountain peak, Xu Qing silently waited.

The other party's arrival was a little strange, so Xu Qing didn't rush over.

He had to be wary of the traps set by the other party.

The only way to avoid entering the enemy's battlefield was to find a place that the enemy had not been to since they appeared.

Not only did this mountain have a wide field of vision, but it was also shrouded in mist, making it suitable for a battlefield.

At the same time, Xu Qing didn't waste any time. He raised his hand and unleashed the power of the Heavenly Five Elements.

Fire covered the sky, water hid the mist and clouds, earth nourished the mountain peak, metal was in the body, and wood nourished all plants.

This time, Xu Qing didn't wait too long. Obviously, the young man with the birthmark on his face didn't give Xu Qing any time and moved all the way after noticing Xu Qing's means.

It traversed a distance of a million kilometers at an astonishing speed, and before Xu Qing could get far away, it soon ā€¦ appeared in the horizon that Xu Qing was looking at.

Under the crimson aurora in the sky, there was the roar of wind and thunder.

Then, what came into Xu Qing's eyes were the five colors except for the aurora!

Black, green, yellow, blue, and purple!

These five colors came from five large banners that were thousands of feet long.

They spread in the sky, and wherever they passed, they seemed to gather the colors of heaven and earth and cut the light.

The five colors occupied all of them.

What was more, there was a vast power erupting from them, which mainly affected the power of the five elements in all directions!

Obviously, after the previous battle with Xu Qing, on the one hand, Xu Qing had some understanding of this opponent, and the other party also had some understanding of Xu Qing's means.

Therefore, at this moment, the first thing he wanted to do was to suppress Xu Qing's five elements.

Almost as soon as Xu Qing looked over, the five-colored banners whistled, swept up the five-colored light, and directly appeared on the top of the mountain where Xu Qing was.

The five-colored banners burst out and emitted the power of reversing the five elements, which shrouded the mountain peak and quickly circled it.

From a distance, it looked like a five-colored storm.

The rumbling sounds once again shook the heavens and earth, deafening everyone's ears.

Killing intent flashed in Xu Qing's eyes. As he raised his hand, the five elements he had set up around him burst out again.

Water rose from the clouds, and wood grew from all plants.

Fire appeared from the sky, and earth collapsed from the mountain.

As Xu Qing's killing intent rose, the five elements moved together.

Even if the five banners were extraordinary and formed a five-colored storm that could reverse the power of the five elements in all directions, here ā€¦ they couldn't shake Xu Qing's five elements too much.

Because Xu Qing's five elements were contained in his five internal organs, which were not within the rules of the outside world.

Therefore, in the next moment, the sound became even more intense, and the rumbling sound spread in all directions.

Xu Qing's five elements suddenly clashed with the five-colored storm, and he obviously had the upper hand. Moreover, the five colors were rapidly dimming, and it seemed that it wouldn't be long before Xu Qing suppressed it.

However, this time, Xu Qing's opponent was extraordinary.

The young man who came here after the five-colored storm did not charge in personally. Instead, he looked from outside the battlefield with a cold smile on his face.

He raised his hand and pointed.

He chanted the Dao in his heart.

"The sky is the world, the sky is the curtain, the five colors are rendered, the myriad of arts are painted!"

As his finger descended, the five flags that were struggling to resist Xu Qing's Heavenly Five Elements power instantly began to tremble before ā€¦ self-detonating in the blink of an eye.

Five colors self-destructed, and a storm swept across.

Let the five colors blend!

Looking from afar, the five colors turned from light to substance. It was as if the five colors of paint were mixed together and sprinkled in the air by the storm.

It seemed to have become ā€¦ a colorful painting!

Xu Qing was in the painting.

As for the painter, it was Wind!

Wind was also a seal!

This seal was hidden within the five colors, and at this moment, it completely erupted, forming the sealing power of the five elements.

"I'll let you know that although your five elements are powerful, wind is above the five elements!"

"When the wind blows, it can sweep up the earth, dispel the water, wither the wood, grind the gold, and quell the fire!"

"Seal, seal, seal, seal, seal!"

The young man formed a series of hand seals with both of his hands and pointed five times in a row.

Instantly, the five-colored dye became even more chaotic. It began to mix together, enveloping Xu Qing and sealing him.

This seal was like a withering, grinding, and isolating.

It isolated Xu Qing's five viscera and five elements.

This battle caused Xu Qing to be moved.

"This person's authority ā€¦ has already been developed to the extreme!"

"However, it's impossible for him to not know that I've used the Space Dao before. So, what's the point of doing this?"

Xu Qing thought for a moment before waving his hand.

Fishing the Moon in the Well appeared again.

All directions were reflected in it.

But this time, Xu Qing wasn't trying to fish out the other party, but himself.

In an instant, following the eruption of Fishing the Moon in the Well, Xu Qing had already fished himself out of the five-colored seal.

He appeared outside the painting, outside the five colors, outside the mountain!

The moment it appeared, the sky rumbled, and blue light erupted. An enormous stone hammer appeared within it, and it smashed towards Xu Qing.

The Emperor Sword in Xu Qing's hand appeared.

The earth trembled, the mountains collapsed, and the power of the earth surged.

First sword, Ksitigarbha.

Stone Shattering Hammer.

Heaven and earth twisted, the void became blurry, and a deafening sound exploded.

The Earth Sword soared into the sky, while the Heavenfall Hammer suddenly trembled. Several cracks appeared on its surface as it was sent flying backwards.

As for the Earth sword itself, due to the recoil from the distance, it slowly dissipated in the sky, turning back into Earth Qi that swept out in all directions.

Without any hesitation, Xu Qing shot toward the young man.

Seeing that Xu Qing had broken through both of his techniques, the young man with the birthmark on the right side of his face narrowed his eyes. He was even more certain of his previous judgment.

At the same time, he narrowed his eyes and waved his hand.

He threw out an object.

This object was like a clump of dirt, and it seemed to contain some kind of spatial energy. Wherever it passed, it left behind a ripple in the air.

Then, in the young man's mind, the power of the Authorities erupted between him and Xu Qing.

His heavenly fire power instantly fell upon the object that was imbued with spatial power.

This object was obviously sensitive to fire. It melted in an instant, and an explosive force came from within.

A boom could be heard as it exploded, enveloping the entire area and raining down from the sky.

The rain was sticky.

At the same time, the second power of the young man was unleashed.

A strong wind blew past.

At this moment, the sticky rainwater rapidly dried, solidified, and turned into ā€¦ glue!

As long as it was within the rainwater, it was like this. It was rapidly solidifying.

This was also a seal.

Using the stickiness created by him to seal heaven and earth.

And at this moment, Xu Qing also understood how the other party had stuck his main body to the storage space's wall.

His judgment was correct. His opponent had indeed used a special object.

However, there was one thing that he didn't expect.

That was the method his opponent used to use this special object!

"Combining two Authority with other objects to achieve the effect of the third power of the Authorities!

"This person is indeed a prodigy!"

Xu Qing took a deep breath, his heart pounding. This battle ā€¦ meant a lot to him.

It triggered many thoughts in his mind.

"If I were to use it on the five elements, I would be able to change even more!"

However, Xu Qing knew that this wasn't the time to think too deeply. His opponent's series of actions in this battle had already revealed a message.

"He doesn't want to fight me head-on!

He doesn't want to be injured because of this. He only wants to restrict and seal me!

"Every time he returned, he did this. In fact, in order to achieve this goal, he didn't hesitate to expose his own secrets.

"There's only one answer to all of this.

"He's stalling for time!"

Along with this judgment, a strong sense of danger rose.

"He has helpers on the way, and they're even more powerful than him!"

A cold glint flashed across Xu Qing's eyes.

"If this continues, it won't end in a short time. In that case ā€¦ I can't leave any sword qi behind. I have to end this quickly!"


At the same time, some distance away from this battlefield, a figure was using a teleportation technique. Surging with a terrifying aura, he whistled through the sky.

This figure was the red-haired young man who had appeared in the divine spirit mine!

The cultivation fluctuations of a late-stage Sovereign erupted from his body.

"You destroyed my spirit mine, killed the guardian of my divine spirit mine, and caused me to lose that battle. You even took the Quasi-Immortal Token that Ling Feng offered as tribute!

"I'd like to see what kind of dragon's heart and phoenix's guts did you eat to dare to do this!"

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