Beyond Time MTL

Chapter 1128: Heaven and Earth is the Guest House of All Living Things

Chapter 1128: Heaven and Earth is the Guest House of All Living Things

Western Region, Dao Immortal Sect.

In the boundless field, the fight over the two stalks of medicinal herbs also ended at this moment.

A single stalk stood tall, blooming in full bloom. As its branches and leaves swayed, starlight flickered.

The other one by its side had already withered and fallen. Its branches and leaves had withered while its flowers had withered, and it seemed as if it was about to merge into one with the muddy ground.

But … Poison Monarch was still staring.

He did not look at the seemingly victorious flower, but at the other one that was gradually merging with the mud.

"Facing death to live?"

The Poison Monarch murmured as a strange light flashed in his eyes.


At the same time, up in the sky above the Western Domain, Li Mengtu's face was pale. As he sped along, the injuries in his body surged, and he occasionally coughed up blood. No matter how hard he tried to suppress them, they still reached a critical point.

This battle was the most intense battle of life and death in his life.

Although it was a narrow victory, the severity of his injuries was unprecedented.

"When I fight with other stars, this is the most I can do."

Li Mengtu murmured. Even though he had won, he still felt a lingering fear when he recalled everything that had happened.

It was precisely because of this mentality that he hadn't relaxed in the slightest.

"There will never be a lack of variables in this world, and variables … are especially fond of geniuses."

Li Mengtu took a deep breath. He wouldn't allow any variables to appear in this matter, so he knew that he was still too slow.

Thus, in the next instant, he raised his right hand and pressed it against his forehead. Amidst a thunderous boom, his face abnormally flushed red, as if his potential had been stimulated and a portion of his Authority had been ignited.

In exchange for an even faster speed, Instant Teleportation.

Just like that, three days later, with the help of his own teleportation and the power of the ancient teleportation formation, he finally returned to the Li family before the arrival of the fourth Aurora Vortex.

It wasn't the forbidden land to the east of the center, but the true ancestral land of the Li family.

Li Cheng!

This city was majestic and vast. The city was bustling with activity, and there were countless cultivators.

Beneath the city, in the depths of the earth, was a shocking underground palace.

This underground palace was like an independent world.

To be precise, this was indeed the case. This was a small world.

There was heaven and earth inside, but there were no living beings.

The entire world was quiet. Only the wind whistled, blowing over the rivers, over the plains, and onto a mountain peak.

At the peak of the mountain, there was a wooden house.

The door was tightly shut.

In the middle of the courtyard, there was a cauldron with incense burning in it. The incense rose in spirals into the air, neither crooked nor slanted in the wind, as if it was rising straight up into the clouds.

After a long time, the sky of this small world rippled and Li Mengtu walked out.

After arriving here, he took a deep breath and walked to the courtyard of the wooden house. Looking at the closed door of the wooden house, his expression became serious.

He knelt down.

This was the Li Clan's holy land, the place where the Li Clan's Patriarch lived in his later years.

After the Patriarch passed away, it became the Li family's ancestral hall.

According to the rules of the clan, unless it was the day of ancestral worship, the clan members were not allowed to come here.

"Descendant Li Mengtu has disturbed the peace of our ancestors."

Li Mengtu said in a low voice. Then, his forehead touched the ground and he kowtowed solemnly.

After a long while, Li Mengtu stood up and withdrew his gaze from the house to the furnace in front of him.

This cauldron was the true goal and focus of his trip here.

With a wave of his hand, the scroll that sealed Xu Qing flew out from Li Mengshi's body and headed straight for the furnace.

The moment it entered the cauldron, the entire cauldron shook violently, and the entire small world began to shake and rumble.

Endless flames rose from the ground. As they dyed the world, the array formation also shone brightly.

With the world as the array and the Earthly Fire as the limit, he gathered the cauldron and turned it into a furnace to support the scroll painting. Thus, the power of the scroll painting's refinement skyrocketed.

"This way, we can be absolutely safe. Xu Qing has no chance of any unexpected changes happening. He will definitely die!"

Seeing this, Li Mengtu finally felt relieved.

He bowed towards the wooden house in the ancestral hall again, then walked into the sky, preparing to leave this place and return to the Dao Immortal Sect, borrowing the rich immortal essence there to heal his injuries.

"When I recover from my injuries and return to this place, Xu Qing's spirit will have dissipated, and the legacy that belongs to me will return."

Li Mengtu lowered his head and looked at the cauldron again. He looked at the scroll painting inside the cauldron.

Before the Li family's ancestor passed away, he had left behind a scroll. As for what it contained, most of his descendants only knew part of it, but not the specifics.

They only knew that the scroll was a family treasure from a place called Deep Earth.

That was the ancestral home of the Patriarch.

He only knew that if someone could open it, even an Lower Immortal would be able to seal.

Only Li Mengtu, who had paid the price of his lifespan to open the scroll, knew more.

"The body withered into nothingness, and the soul went through the cycle of reincarnation. Eventually … the soul scattered into the earth."

As he muttered, Li Mengtu's body flickered and he disappeared.

As he left, the tranquility of the minor world was shattered, and endless rumbling flames filled the air. The sound … echoed out for a long time.





The sound of heavenly thunder seemed to come from the distant sky. It passed through the real world and fell into the illusory sky, becoming muffled thunder.

It exploded in the ears of countless sleeping people in the capital.

This awakened all living beings in the city.

It also woke up an old man, who quietly opened his eyes and coughed softly.

In some ways, the sound of the voice surpassed that of heavenly thunder. Instantly, the old man's mansion was brightly lit, and countless servants rushed over.

He did not dare to be negligent.

Because when the lightning in the sky killed people, it depended on fate.

As for the old man, killing people depended on his mood.

Therefore, his cough was louder than thunder.

The old man was wearing an expensive silk undershirt, which showed that he was of high status.

Even though he had a head full of white hair, a face full of wrinkles, and dark brown age spots that were very obvious on his body, the oppressive aura that had been cultivated from being in a high position for a long time made people overlook the fact that he was about to die when they looked at him.

He only remembered his thunderous methods in this life.

"What time is it?"

The old man said hoarsely.

The dozens of servants who had just arrived were all very cautious.

"Master, it's already the fourth watch period."

The old man was silent. After a long moment, he lay back down and said coolly, "That's right.

"All of you, leave."

The servants all heaved a sigh of relief in their hearts and carefully took their leave.

The room quieted down once more. Only the rumbling of thunder could be heard.

In the darkness, the old man did not close his eyes. He stared into the darkness and sensed his life withering away. He sensed a weakness that he was unwilling to accept. He also sensed the approach of death.

"I'm old … But I keep feeling like I've forgotten something."

After a long time, he closed his eyes.

This was Tianbao City, the capital of Daning Dynasty in the 79th year of the Tiangui calendar.

The Prime Minister Xu Jinfa, who had great power, assisted the emperor to ascend the throne, conquered twenty-five countries, and established an unprecedented foundation in Daning … traveled to the west like a crane.

That night, the thunder never stopped.

Like the cycle of reincarnation, it was endless.

However, some of the people in the cycle of reincarnation could be remembered by history, but most of them … were just waves.

Just like Xu Hong, who was born in another world on this day.

His father was a businessman. His goal in life was to become a wealthy businessman.

Therefore, the eldest son who was born tonight had the character 'Hong' in his name.

In this life, Xu Hong had indeed been working hard to fulfill his father's dream. He had given up on studying and had taken over the family business at a young age, moving forward towards his dream.

Day after day, year after year.

On this path, he was always kind and charitable, and became a great philanthropist in the eyes of others.

Unfortunately, a scam set up by someone close to him broke his family's dream.

A plague had cut off his own dream.

His wealth had turned into nothingness.

Before he died … he was wrapped in a cloth in the city and thrown into a pile of corpses. Then, he was burned to the ground … until he was wiped out.

Regret …?

Xu Shan didn't know. He only felt that he was unlucky, so he endured his headache and looked at the burning corpse in front of him. He spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm.

Around him were broken carriages on the official road, gold ingots scattered all over the ground, trembling women, and greedy eyes in the flames.

He, too, was one of them.

As a bandit of Yunlai Mountain, he was originally unwilling. After all, Third Master Xu was used to living a carefree life. He was a man of the Jianghu, after all, and he wanted to be free.

He stayed on the mountain and robbed the passing caravans. Occasionally, he had to face life and death situations. In the end … others ate the meat while he drank the soup.

He was very impatient with such days.

More importantly, his head was hurting more and more.

This was a problem he had when he was young. His mother said that he was growing a brain.

He believed it at that time.

However, as he grew older, his headaches became more and more severe, but his brain didn't seem to have grown much.

He had always been deceived and wronged. His mother had also been killed. It seemed like he had finally gotten his revenge …

He couldn't remember either. He only remembered that it wasn't enough to kill.

Hence, he knocked on his head with force and bandaged the wound on his leg. Xu Shan felt even more unlucky when he thought about how the armed escort had stabbed him before his death and how he had almost cut off his genitals.

"I need to find a time to leave this place. It would be best if I could find a doctor to take a closer look at what's going on in my head."

Just as Xu Shan was thinking, a laugh came from afar. Following that, a trembling woman was thrown in front of Xu Shan.

"Idiot San, you did well today. How about I reward you with a wife?"

A tremor ran through Xu Shan's body. Her words seemed to make his head stop hurting, and he began to pant as he stared at the trembling woman. Suddenly, he realized that being a bandit in this place wasn't so bad after all.

Therefore, he hurriedly spoke to the Second Master who had given him the reward.

"Ah, thank you …"

A rock flew over and landed on Xu Shan's head.

He used a lot of force, causing Xu Shan to wince in pain and stagger backward a few paces. The Second Master laughed mockingly.

"You really want it?"

These words were accompanied by laughter from all around.

"No, no …"

Xu Shan also smiled. Beneath his nonchalant appearance was an excruciating pain that was several times worse than his head.

It was so painful that he wanted to kill someone, or … kill himself.

Thus, when the group of people packed up their belongings and were on their way back to the village, he pounced in front of Second Year and stabbed him while the other party laughed at him.

Unfortunately, he missed.

What greeted him was a torrential pain. His entire body was like a ragdoll riddled with holes, and blood was everywhere.

But before he died, he smiled.

Under the Second Master's shocked gaze and the gasps of the people around him, he swallowed the meat in his mouth.

That piece of meat was from the Second Master's throat.

The world blurred.

In this blur, Xu Shan suddenly realized that his head no longer hurt. A sentence that didn't seem to be part of his memory floated into his mind.

"Heaven and Earth is the guest houses of all living beings …"

"What do you mean?"

Xu Shan had never been to school, so he didn't understand. When he tried to figure it out … his life had already dried up.

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