Beyond Time MTL

Chapter 1140: It’s Him…

Chapter 1140: It’s Him…

"Welcome to a fairy tale."

Xu Qing muttered in his heart as he sensed this world.

He didn't know anything about the Immortal Lord's constitution. Everything he said was based on what he saw and heard.

What is the truth …

"The moment I enter the Immortal Capital, I should have a chance to know."

Xu Qing muttered to himself. After burying all sorts of questions in his heart, he focused his perception on the mirror in front of him.

This mirror was very ordinary, without the slightest bit of extravagance or anything out of the ordinary. It was like something that was casually placed in a mortal's home.

And all the black dots formed a line that extended eternally into the mirror.

The black dots continued to move in and disappear.

As for the mirror itself, there was no Dao Shadow at all. All it had was … was white.

"This is the exit of the first level?"

Xu Qing fell into deep thought.

After a moment of careful observation, he thought of something and headed straight for the mirror.

In an instant it merges and passes.

Without any hindrance, everything went smoothly.

However, the instant he succeeded in piercing through the mirror, Xu Qing's thoughts began to stir.

The reason for that was because the place where he appeared was still filled with countless black dots that formed a long line.

He was still in the world of the first level.

He didn't leave.

He seemed to have returned to the starting point.

Looking ahead … the mirror was no longer there. Only the long line extended in front of them.

It was the same at the rear.

Xu Qing was silent. In order to confirm his answer, he continued onward.

Until he encountered those freaks again, saw the mirror again, penetrated it again, and felt the details. In the end … he was back to square one.

It was a cycle.

In order to break this cycle, Xu Qing tried to make changes, but to no avail.

He even chose to sink himself into the black dot in front of the mirror, becoming a black dot and entering the mirror.

But he was still back to square one.

"Immortal Lord Aurora most definitely possesses the Spacetime Constitution. He belongs to the same Dao as me. It's just that the method of forming his Spacetime Constitution is different from mine."

Xu Qing pondered.

"I'm relying on the five elements to fuse time and space to create space-time."

"But he walked a different path. He seemed to have come from nothing and evolved layer by layer.

Then … perhaps there is another way for me to leave this place.

"Xu Qing's thoughts fell on that long line.

At this origin, he became one of the many black dots that formed a long line. In other words, he had truly transformed into a black dot. It was like a person outside the painting had walked into the painting.

Then, use this world's way of thinking to experience everything … "

"Thus, it becomes a cycle."

"This way, it will be a real experience, not a passing glance."

"Although it's dangerous, it's worth a try!"

When Xu Qing thought of this, he weighed the pros and cons in his heart and no longer hesitated. His thoughts descended from a higher level and fused into the only long line in this world, becoming one of the countless black dots that formed this line.

He had become a part of this world.

In that instant, he felt something he had never felt before.

The concept of up and down had been stripped away.

The concept of left and right was the same.

Cease to exist.

It didn't take long for them to be forgotten. It was as if they had never had the right to go up and down.

There was only a guiding force that came from the front, pulling his single fate forward.

At the same time, after losing the concept of up, down, left, and right, it naturally lost the meaning of height. At this time, Xu Qing also lost the "vision" brought by the constitution.

He was "flat".

The black spot was also flat.

Therefore, his thinking was even more "flat".

Therefore, he couldn't see it.

He could only vaguely sense what was in front and behind him.

This feeling, compared to before, was like being restrained.

As a result, Xu Qing could only continue to move forward under the guidance of this force.

Gradually, even his thoughts started to become lax.

It was as if even the ability to think was not allowed here.

Therefore, they had to be slowly erased and assimilated into the world.

However, Xu Qing did not choose to resist.

He relaxed his mind and allowed everything to happen. He followed the trajectory of this world and continued to move.

An unknown amount of time passed.

Time had already lost its meaning.

As his thoughts gradually scattered and moved, Xu Qing, who had turned into one of the black dots in the endless world, ran into another anomaly at the level of this world.

However, the order and feeling were different.

At this moment, relying on his weak perception, he seemed to "see" countless circles.

Each of these circles was smaller than the last and circled around each other. They were like fingerprints, but there was no beginning and no end. They were everywhere and occupied all of Xu Qing's perception.

This was the appearance of the other party that he sensed after descending to a lower level.

He couldn't sense anything more comprehensive.

The difference in levels determined that those at the lower levels were unable to see the true appearance of those at the higher levels.

Therefore, the existence of a higher level naturally gave people the feeling of a creator.

The shock and waves brought about by it were like raging waves that could overturn everything. In fact, even the voice that came from it turned into the source of chaos and collapse.

"Run! Run!"

As the voice descended, a feeling of collapse appeared on the black dot that Xu Qing had turned into. At the same time, it also existed on all the black dots that passed by this strange black dot.

It was as if he was walking in the midst of death.

As a result, some of the black spots were really fragmented, but they were replaced by new black spots.

Xu Qing could be considered lucky that he hadn't completely collapsed.

When the chaotic and crumbling sounds slowly disappeared into the distance, he continued moving forward.

Then … he heard someone crying.

This time, he saw nothing.

Only the sound of crying fell into Xu Qing's remaining thoughts.

Xu Qing felt like he was about to melt away amidst the cries.

However, the strange thing was that there was no fear or regret. Emotions had unknowingly disappeared.

"So, it wasn't luck, but sacrifice and offset."

Xu Qing pondered weakly … After the black dots dissipated amidst the cries, he continued forward.

Then, he heard the sound of running water and the croaking of frogs.

At the moment the voice appeared, Xu Qing lost some of his cognition, and so did his thoughts. His existence was about to become blank.

In this way, he passed this section of the road and walked even further.


Xu Qing couldn't remember what happened after that. He could vaguely sense that everything he had given up was the price he had to pay to move forward smoothly.

What followed was more and more weakness and exhaustion.

But the good thing was … Gradually, even the concept of powerlessness and exhaustion disappeared.

In the end, he seemed to hear a voice.

"It's good that you're dead, it's good that you're dead …." The voice contained an irresistible force that invaded and took away his name.

Originally, he, who was nameless, should have continued forward.

He walked toward the mirror not far away.

He smoothly merged into this world and left.

However, the power that had taken away his name actually defied the trajectory and forcibly returned.

The evil aura it emitted turned into an even more intense attack that landed on his body. It wanted to … completely erase him!

More importantly, he wanted to take away the weak consciousness that he had left.

But at this moment of crisis, at the instant when he was about to completely disappear …

An old sigh echoed in his space-time.

"Night Corpse Leading Cattle, this medicinal herb …"

"Kid, you answer."

The appearance of the voice caused ripples in time and space, causing a space-time tempest to rumble in Xu Qing's mind.

It also gave him a new name that was hidden in the depths of his memories.

A kid!

This name became a pillar, an anchor.

As a result, the kid's weak thoughts no longer dissipated. Instead, the deafening sound gradually increased until it finally exploded.

It became a thunderclap, an explosion, and a heavenly sound.

His mind was shaken violently, and it continued to spread.

It was like a tsunami.

Then, the kid subconsciously uttered words that he would never forget, words that were deeply ingrained in his cognition.

"Night Corpse Petunia, also known as Poisonous Mountain Root Dove Chrysanthemum, is the vine stem and root of a Compositae plant, Fine Vein Dove Chrysanthemum. It is a woody vine that grows in Corpse Yin Mountain Ditch, Gloomy Cold Stream, or Jungle. Its taste is astringent and slightly warm when it enters the mouth. It has a rotten feeling.

As the words left his mouth, the kid's dissipating state reversed at this moment.

The knowledge that he had lost was all resurfacing and returning one by one.

The original "unseeable" was now churning, from loss to return!

As for that aged voice, it continued to speak.

"What are the symptoms of overdose?"

The tempest in Xu Qing's heart grew more and more intense, and he didn't hesitate to voice his thoughts.

"Symptoms of poisoning include abdominal pain, dizziness, and hallucinations. He will die within 15 minutes if he is not rescued."

"How to detoxify it?"

"You can use vomiting and gastric lavage, supplemented with egg white and the stamen of Red Thorn Flower. Treat the symptoms at noon when the sun is strong. The treatment cannot exceed an hour, and it will last for three consecutive days."

Xu Qing's voice trembled slightly. The moment he finished speaking, he felt as if he had returned to the time when he was outside the tent.


The old voice carried a hint of a smile as it echoed softly.

As for Xu Qing, he wanted to "meet" the mirror, but the tug from up ahead was incredibly intense, pulling him closer and closer to the mirror.

Although the exit was right in front of him, he would rather give up on this opportunity. Even if he had to do it all over again, he would enter the Space-Time constitution again to see the familiar figure who had spoken.

"Silly kid, don't be like this."

"Do you remember what I told you …?"

"Heaven and Earth are the guest houses of all living things. Time is a passer-by from ancient times to the present. As long as one does not die, they will eventually meet again."

"And now, you have become a talent."

The voice dissipated, and a gentle force appeared out of nowhere, landing on the black dot that Xu Qing had turned into, pushing him forward.

As a result, Xu Qing, who was close to the mirror, disappeared into … the mirror.

The moment he entered the mirror, Xu Qing suddenly turned his head.

Vaguely, he seemed to see the medicine pot with a white beard smiling at him from outside the mirror.

His smile was kind.

Her voice and smile felt as if a lifetime had passed, but also as if it had happened yesterday.

Every scene … was just like the past.