Beyond Time MTL

Chapter 1141: I am Aurora

Chapter 1141: I am Aurora

Xu Qing smiled.

Although he had many questions, although there were many doubts in his heart.

For example, why would Master Bai appear in Wanggu?

For example, what kind of suspense existed in Master Bai's death?

Another example was … how did he become the medicinal pot in Immortal Lord Aurora's thoughts?

And... why in the world transformed by Aurora Immortal Lord before his death, does Master Bai, who was transformed by him, have Wanggu's memory and independent will?

There was no answer to all of this.

It wasn't important anymore.

The most important thing was … as the old figure in Xu Qing's life had said, as long as he didn't die, they would eventually meet again.

And now, they had met in this world.

Therefore, Xu Qing was very happy.

It had been a long time since he had been so happy, and this feeling of happiness had unknowingly been magnified by quite a bit …

Therefore, he instinctively stretched his body, instinctively laughed, and "looked" in all directions.

Then, he realized that the concept of left and right was allowed here.

This allowed Xu Qing to sense his surroundings in his current low-level state.

It was just that … everything he felt and "saw" was distorted and chaotic.

Because in this world, even though there was the concept of left and right, everything was still flat.

Looking at it from a flat perspective, all that could be seen was boundless.

The concept of 'high' did not arrive.

However, his happiness grew stronger and stronger uncontrollably. It filled all his knowledge, and he wanted to become the only one.

"There's something wrong with this situation …"

Xu Qing sensed that something was amiss when he was overflowing with happiness. He wanted to suppress his emotions, but in this world, it seemed that his actions were not allowed.

Therefore, he could only immerse himself in joy while trying his best to restrain himself. In the end … Xu Qing chose to activate the Space-Time Constitution.

He wanted to see the true appearance of this world.

Only then would he be able to fully understand the situation and find a way to leave.

In the next instant, the eighth extreme was unleashed.

It was as if the dense fog had been pushed aside, granting Xu Qing a higher level, upgrading his thinking.

This world was truly reflected in Xu Qing's mind.

It became incomparably clear.


This was a white world.

It existed in a mirror.

All the black dots that walked into the mirror rapidly grew in the mirror world.

It was no longer a dot, nor was it a line. Instead, it had returned to being an individual. Furthermore … it had a body, four limbs, and a head. It had become …

One shadow after another.

It wasn't just black.

Even though the world before Xu Qing's eyes was still white, there was a myriad of colors in that white world.

Shadows of various colors formed this gorgeous world.

In this world, all the shadows were brimming with joy. It seemed that there was no trouble, no sorrow, and everyone was free.

Some were singing, some were celebrating, some were sleeping, and some were running.

However, there was no orange shadow.

But no shadow seemed to care about this. They were all immersed in their own happiness.

Other than that, there were no mountains, no rivers, and nothing else in this world …

Only countless shadows of various colors were spreading in all directions.

Xu Qing looked at all of this thoughtfully. He examined himself and saw that his color was green.

"The world on the first level is a line formed by countless black dots. There is no concept of left, right, up, or down."

"In the second level of the world, left and right exist. It's as if some of the shackles have been removed, but … there's still no absolute concept of up and down."

"Because this is the world inside the mirror, and the mirror itself … is flat."

"Just like a painting."

"I'm in the painting."

"Therefore, the me in the painting is looking at the boundless world from my own perspective, but from the existence outside the painting, this is the world."

"The reason why the mood is only allowed to be happy is because the style of this painting is based on happiness. Therefore, the living beings in the painting can't not be happy."

"Then … what is the way to leave this place?"

Xu Qing pondered.

After a long time, he came to a conclusion.

Therefore, to a certain extent, he dispersed his space-time constitution, lowered his thoughts, and became a green shadow again. In this simple world, he was immersed in happiness.

He was waiting, waiting for orange to appear.

Time passed. It was unknown how much time had passed, but the joy in this place grew stronger. The number of shadows in this world seemed to have reached a critical point …

Xu Qing waited for the orange color.

"The Great Demon King is here."

A piercing voice echoed out through the entire world. It was deafening, capable of toppling mountains and overturning seas. It spread out through all regions, and entered the senses of every single shadow.

In an instant, it was as if the theme of the painting had been tampered with, changing from joy to fear.

Orange had descended.

It kept spreading and getting closer and closer.

The emotions in Xu Qing's heart were also reversed. Endless fear rose in him, and he didn't hesitate to activate the Space-Time Constitution again, giving him the ability to "see".

He saw … In this white world filled with all kinds of shadows, a huge figure appeared. This figure was wearing an orange robe and had a ferocious mask on its face. Its entire body exuded endless evil.

He held the bucket in one hand and the brush in the other.

The bucket was orange and contained orange paint, but the brush was colorless.

At this moment, it flew over and pounced on the other shadows.

The speed was so fast that the shadows in this world couldn't dodge or resist. The moment the Great Demon King caught up to them, he would wave the brush in his hand and take away the colors on large areas of the shadows' bodies.

It caused the shadows to lose their color and become blank.

Then, it fused with this world, turning into countless dots and dissipating.

It was as if … he had returned to the first level!

Based on the knowledge of this world, he was indeed a Great Demon King.

His arrival took away the color, took away the life, and made everything return to the origin.

But not all shadows were like that.

Occasionally … there would be a few shadows that seemed to possess some special characteristics. Hence, the Great Demon King didn't take away their color. Instead, he used the brush in his hand to dip in the orange color in the bucket and smeared it over … the shadows that caught his eye were dyed orange.

Then, these orange shadows fell into the bucket.

Xu Qing was one of them.

His Space-Time Constitution was instantly suppressed the moment it was smeared on his body!

Unable to resist, unable to struggle, but allowed to exist.

This scene caused Xu Qing's mind to tremble intensely.

And inside the barrel, there was a city.

It was an orange city.

There were shadows inside as well, and they were all orange like Xu Qing.

The moment he landed in the city, Xu Qing seemed to have become a resident of the city. At the same time, he felt drowsy.

This feeling was beyond his constitution. Even he, who had basically maintained the constitution of time and space, found it hard to resist this feeling of deep sleep.

Because … in this orange city, all the shadows that were sent here were only allowed to do one thing.

That was to sleep, to create dreams.

The different dreams were like fairy tales. Eventually, they gathered together to form a complete fairy tale world.

Xu Qing was no exception.

In this orange city, he had no choice but to close his eyes and immerse himself in the dream.

One dream after another formed in his mind, and then he greedily absorbed them.

It became a cycle with no end.

Nor could he truly awaken.

Only occasionally in his dreams would Xu Qing think hard about the reason for all of this.

Gradually, he imagined himself to be the Aurora Immortal Lord. He stood in the Aurora Immortal Lord's perspective and experienced the world formed by his thoughts before he died, wanting to express something.

Thus, Xu Qing had a guess.

This orange city was most likely a metaphor for the immortal capital.

Then who was the Great Demon King?

Thus, he had a target.

Just like that, time passed.

It was unknown how much time had passed, or what year it was, but in Xu Qing's endless dream, a small white figure appeared.

This little person's body was outlined in lines. It had a very large head that took up half of its body. There were four words written on its forehead.

Other than that, its entire body looked extremely simple. It carried a colorful dye on its back and carefully walked into Xu Qing's dream.

He didn't say anything, just snapped his fingers in front of Xu Qing.


This voice was like a clap of thunder that slammed into Xu Qing's mind.

This caused Xu Qing's consciousness to ripple, allowing him to regain consciousness for a short period of time.

Seeing that Xu Qing had woken up, the little man grinned and raised his hand to point at the words on his face, then at the distance, and finally at the colorful dye. Then … he was full of anticipation.

Xu Qing was silent. Using this brief moment of clarity, he immediately organized his disjointed thoughts in his dream, matching the expression and actions of the little person in front of him.

An answer appeared in his mind.

"This big-headed little man is most likely the last strand of consciousness of the Aurora Immortal Lord before his death."

Xu Qing looked at the little person in front of him and the four words above its head.

I am Aurora.

Xu Qing didn't know what to say. The words on the little guy's face made him feel strange.

"Perhaps it appeared because I possess the Spacetime Constitution, or perhaps it will appear in front of every outsider who enters the second level."

"However, no matter what, the second world created by Immortal Lord Aurora has already been given the method to leave."

"That's to paint it with five colors. Choosing a color different from the ones here seems to be … treason!"

As if seeing through Xu Qing's thoughts, the little person's expectant expression became even more intense.

Xu Qing shook his head.

"If this is really the Aurora Immortal Lord, then … his resentment towards the Immortal Venerable has already reached the extreme. It's to the extent that the method of leaving this world that he created must be the same as the one he chose back then …"

"But from the looks of it, there is indeed no other way."

Xu Qing narrowed his eyes and no longer hesitated. He raised his right hand and grabbed the multicolored dye on the big-headed Midget's back before smearing it on his body.

In the next instant, his entire body trembled, and the color of his body changed from orange to multicolored.

The entire city began to rumble at this moment. It was as if the earth was quaking and the mountains were shaking. A low roar was emitted from the empty space, shaking the world until it lost its colour.

Immediately after, the endless orange color transformed into a huge hand that descended from the sky, heading straight for Xu Qing!

"The Great Demon King is here. Son, run!"

The little person was excited. It spoke for the first time, its voice sharp.

As it spoke, it raised its hand and drew a circle in front of it. Then, it quickly entered it.

Xu Qing didn't hesitate and entered as well.

The circle immediately disappeared.

At practically the same instant that they left, that enormous orange hand suddenly arrived and grabbed at the place where Xu Qing had been standing, grabbing nothing but air.

A furious roar shook the heavens and the earth.

All the orange-skinned people in the city were awakened by the noise.

In the next moment, they soared into the sky and flew out of the orange barrel. They appeared in the outside world and suddenly spread out in all directions.


He wanted to dye this world orange.