Beyond Time MTL

Chapter 1143: Let me finish what I am saying!

Chapter 1143: Let me finish what I am saying!

Xu Qing's expression remained the same.

The voice in the jade slip seemed to possess some sort of magical power that allowed it to form images in his mind.

In the image, the little person with the four words written on his forehead was smiling proudly.

"Senior, you didn't use me as a medium to walk out of the second level just to tease me, did you?"

Xu Qing said calmly.

The jade slip flashed.

The sound of the miniature person coughing could be heard from inside.

"Heh, why are you still angry?"

"I am the remnant consciousness of Aurora Immortal Lord before he died. More accurately speaking, I am just a thought that exists in the second world. I borrowed you to appear in the real world. My time is limited and I have many things to do."

"So of course I'm not teasing you."

"Rest assured, son, rest assured."

"I won't borrow your power for nothing. You see, if it wasn't for me, you might not have been able to come out of the second world, right?"

"Also, I'll solve one of your doubts. Consider it my thanks for bringing me out."

"What you're most concerned about is your Constitution, right? Let me clear up your doubts. That … I've walked through your Space-Time Constitution before, but I only managed to walk through half of it. The latter half was too difficult, and I couldn't continue."

"I'm telling you this because I hope that you can continue walking down this path. That's all. Goodbye, son."

After saying that, the jade slip cracked and a crack appeared on its own.

More and more cracks appeared, and in the blink of an eye, they covered the entire jade slip.

In the end, under Xu Qing's gaze, the jade slip collapsed into pieces and turned into dust.

It was as if the present world didn't allow it to exist.

Xu Qing frowned. From these words, he felt a strong sense of perfunctory.

As for the disappearance of the jade slip … Xu Qing carefully sensed the surroundings and didn't sense anything unusual nearby. The jade slip's shattering wasn't caused by him.

"Then what is his goal?"

Xu Qing muttered to himself as he looked around. It was at this moment that his mind suddenly trembled, and he looked down at his palm.

He saw that … the jade slip that had disappeared just now had actually appeared out of thin air once again without a sound.

Along with the jade slip was the despicable voice of the little person.

"Hahahaha, are you very depressed? Are you scolding me in your heart? Do you think that I'm being perfunctory? Then you're extremely disappointed. You think that you've experienced so much, but in the end, you only got this sentence from me, right?"

Xu Qing fell silent.

"You're not talking?

I guessed right, hahahaha. "

"Then, let me guess. Now that you've seen me reappear and said these words, are you thinking that I'm going to give you some special legacy or tell you some secrets?"

"Cough, cough, let me tell you, you, guessed, wrong!"

"Actually … I didn't!

Hahahaha, goodbye, son. "

The jade slip shattered again and disappeared without a trace.

Hearing this, Xu Qing's furrowed brows relaxed instead.

He was certain that there was something wrong with this Aurora Immortal Master's head.

The Celestial Venerable was right to kill him.

Thus, he ignored them and turned his gaze to the side hall in front of him.

Previously, when he was outside the immortal palace, he saw that it was peaceful. Regardless of whether it was the immortal music or the environment, it was like a flourishing age.

But now that he was inside, everything was different.

This palace was dilapidated, exuding a sense of bleakness and suffused with traces of time.

Some places had already collapsed, and there was nothing inside.

"After so many openings, batch after batch of cultivators have arrived. Most of them are from the Third Realm. Theoretically speaking, most of the treasures and legacies here should have been gone."

"However, because the area of the Immortal Palace is too big, and the areas that are opened every time are different, there are still opportunities hidden and people are attracted here."

"But to me, the Third Realm isn't the main point. The main point is … the Fourth Realm that only Constitution can enter!"

Xu Qing pondered for a moment before walking forward.

He was prepared to explore the third realm and find the entrance to the fourth realm.

As for the jade slip that vanished, he couldn't be bothered to pay attention to it.

Apparently, ignoring the jade slip had a special effect. After taking less than ten steps, he felt something cold in his palm, and the jade slip returned to him.

The voice from within was also emitting …

"Haha, I'm here again. Let me guess. Are you saying that there's something wrong with my head? You said bad things about me and thought that it was normal for Senior Immortal to kill me. I …"

Xu Qing clenched his right hand.

With a cracking sound, the jade slip turned to dust, and the unfinished words inside also stopped abruptly.

Xu Qing continued forward. He walked past the side hall and gazed into the distance.

Then … the jade slip appeared in his palm again.

This time, before the little person could even speak, Xu Qing squeezed it hard, and it collapsed again.

Then, he rose into the air and sensed his surroundings.

Although this was only a small area of the Immortal Palace, it was still very large. Even if it was not as big as a big world, it was comparable to a small world.

Thus, countless halls, pavilions, gardens appeared within Xu Qing's senses ….

Other than that, there were also mountains and rivers.

However, most of the buildings were dilapidated. Broken walls were everywhere, and traces of shattered restrictions were scattered everywhere.

The mountains had also collapsed, and most of the rivers had dried up.

However, there were some places that had not been broken.

However, it was clear that there was a restriction. Moreover, black threads would occasionally appear in the void between heaven and earth, appearing and disappearing mysteriously without any pattern.

Wherever it passed, it could cut through everything.

In addition, the weather here was also different.

In some places, it was raining. In some places, the ground was churning. In some places, there were flashes of lightning and thunder. In some places, storms were howling.

From time to time, the space would suddenly disappear and reappear.

They intersected with one another, and it was very chaotic.

A moment ago, one might still be here, but in the next moment, as one took a step forward, one might appear somewhere else.

Overall, this area was constantly changing.

As for the cultivators, Xu Qing finally sensed some of them.

Some of them worked alone, while others worked together. They were scattered throughout the vast eastern region, searching for their own opportunities.

To put it simply, Xu Qing noticed that several stars were missing here, including Li Mengtu.

Most of the people here were cultivators who didn't possess the constitution.

"There's something wrong with the number of people. We've lost a lot of people …"

Xu Qing narrowed his eyes. He did not sense the aura of the Earth Spirit Ancestor among these people.

Thus, he looked further into the distance.

"Therefore, during the period of time before I came up, there might have been an intense battle and massacre here."

"Or perhaps, there is some way to send people to other areas. After all, the Immortal Palace has been opened many times. It is normal for those who enter to have some means to go to other areas that have not been revealed."

"As for the eight stars, they most likely went to the Fourth Realm."

At the same time, through the details and the few buildings that were still intact, Xu Qing recalled the Immortal Palace he had seen before. After comparison, he recognized that the Immortal Palace that opened this time should be in the eastern area of the Immortal Palace.

"At that time, I saw a place to preach the Dao in the eastern part of the immortal palace."

As he pondered this, Xu Qing clenched his right hand once more and crushed the jade slip that had formed in his palm. Then, his body flickered and he flew forward.

Along the way, the jade slip appeared again and again, and Xu Qing crushed it.

So much so that his words were intermittent.

"You've gone too far. Son, you …"


"Ah, let me say something, I …"


"Ahhh … Let me finish …"


Two hours later, as Xu Qing continued to investigate the area, another jade slip appeared.

This time, Xu Qing was a little slower.

Thus, the tiny person's shriek could be heard from the jade slip.

"Don't pinch me!

"If you continue squeezing me, I'll die. I'll give you some benefits, and I'll give you a chance to give you some pointers, okay? No matter when you call me Grandpa Aurora Polaris in this Secret Realm, I'll give you some pointers!"

Xu Qing's face was expressionless as he prepared to crush it.

"Senior, just call me Senior. Will that do?"

Xu Qing pondered for a moment before nodding.


A sigh of relief came from the jade slip, followed by resentment.

"But you have to promise me that you won't continue to pinch me. My head is really swollen. You … I feel that you know how to pinch. It's as if you've been trained before."

Xu Qing ignored him. After passing through the chaos, he finally arrived at the place where the Dao lectures were being held.

Unfortunately, this place was in ruins, and there was nothing left.

It wasn't really a pity.

The emptiness of this place was also within Xu Qing's estimation. Therefore, after investigating for a while, Xu Qing planned to find someone to ask how to enter the Third Realm.

However, just as he was about to leave, the tiny person in the jade slip laughed coldly.

"What's the point of looking around? You don't even know the meaning of the Third Realm!"

When Xu Qing heard the first half of the sentence, he suddenly had the idea of taking out the jade slip.

It was the latter half of the sentence that saved the jade slip.

"Oh, what is the meaning of this place?"

Xu Qing asked.

The little person in the jade slip said proudly.

"If you beg me, I'll tell you."

Xu Qing spoke calmly without hesitation.

"I beg you."

"Ah?" The little guy was stunned.

"You, you, you … Where's your backbone?

Where's your backbone?

Why are you begging so easily? "

Xu Qing's expression remained the same as ever as he looked at the jade slip.

He was already used to this little person and had the corresponding experience.

The method he used to deal with Eldest Senior Brother was enough to deal with this despicable person.

Thus, he spoke calmly.

"You have to keep your word."

As he spoke, he pinched the jade slip.

The little guy curled his lips.

"Alright, I'll tell you."

"The Third Realm is a place for Cultivators who aren't Perfect Cultivators to seek out opportunities and good fortune. However, that's all superficial.

"The good stuff is all in the later realms, at least in the Fourth Realm!"

"But only when you have all of them can you enter the Fourth Realm!

However, for cultivators who want to enter the fourth realm, the third realm has other uses. "

"This is the realm of identity. You need to obtain your identity here!"

"Because the Fourth Realm is space-time, and it is fixed in the past."

"Whatever identity you have in the Third Realm, that's what identity you have in the Fourth Realm."

"To put it simply, entering the Fourth Realm is like returning to the Aurora Immortal Palace of the past and experiencing your opportunities."

"If that's the case, identity is of utmost importance!"

Hearing this, Xu Qing's mind moved.

"How can I show my identity?"

The tiny person inside the jade slip said proudly.

"I'm not telling you!"

Yesterday, a reader wished me a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Then, there was someone who was sarcastic to my reader, saying something about a good son.

I want to ask this person, if there's something wrong with your brain, you should go to the hospital. Don't come here and act so weird and disgusting.

It doesn't matter if you insult me or curse me. I've said it before, anti-fans are still fans.

But my readers wish me a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Did they offend you?

You're going too far by going to yin and yang him!

If you have any grievances, inexplicable hatred, or some strange reason that makes you unhappy, don't go to my readers.

Come at me!